The 5 days ‘Train the Trainers’ transnational learning event took place in Ireland, Dublin, from January the 29th to February the 2nd, hosted by the Gaiety School of Acting.
Short-term joint staff training event

The 5 days ‘Train the Trainers’ transnational learning event took place in Ireland, Dublin, from January the 29th to February the 2nd, hosted by the Gaiety School of Acting.
The train the trainer programme developed by the Gaiety School of Acting, The National Theatre School of Ireland will take place in Dublin from 29th January-2nd February 2018.
A intergenerational approach. The e-book is available now!
On the 5th December 2017 the Gaiety School of Acting (Ireland) ran its first workshops of the Erasmus+ Creatyv Project with wonderful older adult volunteers!
GOOD PRACTICES IN INTERGENERATIONAL VOLUNTEERING We strongly believe intergenerational learning is a way of bridging people in any community, gathering different age perspectives and creating a common ground for collaboration, for self as well as social innovation. While intergenerational volunteering
The second transnational meeting of CREA.T.Y.V. project took place on 9th and 10th November in Praga, Czech Republic. The intergenerational training programme in the field of volunteering, based on creative drama, is taking shape. The partners discussed the next steps
The second transnational meeting of CREA.T.Y.V. project took place on 9th and 10th November in Praga, Czech Republic. The intergenerational training programme in the field of volunteering, based on creative drama, is taking shape.
Creative Drama for training young volunteers in intergenerational learning environments: the fiirst project newsletter is online.
Presentations of the project meeting held in Bucarest on the 11 and 12 of May, are now online
CREA.T.Y.V. project focuses on empowering young people with fewer opportunities to be active factors in communities, to build up their skills and potential under the mentoring of older people in the volunteering field, and in this way becoming involved in
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